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Circoncision religieuse : opposition, méfaits et origines
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Dim 14 Aoû 2016 00:31
Message Re: Circoncision religieuse : opposition, méfaits et origines
Un article en Anglais, sur l’hypocrisie féministe avec la circoncision : « Another double‑standard: Genital mutilation (fighting4fair.com) », Avril 2014.

L’article a écrit : 
I have been meaning to write a post about this subject for some time but today I came across an article that basically took the words right out of my mouth, and is a great introduction to the issue.

That article is called Female genital mutilation (FGM) and male circumcision: Time to confront the double standard by Brian Earp (18 February 2014)


Traduction a écrit : 
J’avais fais part de mon intention d’écrire un poste à ce sujet depuis un certains temps, mais aujourd’hui je suis tombé sur un article qui m’a simplement enlevé les mots de la bouche, et qui est une bien bonne introduction au problème.

Cet article est intitulé Mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) et circoncision des garçons : il est temps de confronter les deux poids et deux mesures, par Brian Earp (18 Février 2014)


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Mar 16 Aoû 2016 14:15
Message Re: Circoncision religieuse : opposition, méfaits et origines
Où l’on apprend que le lobby États‑Unien pro‑circoncision, en plus de tenter de « justifier » la circoncision en la présentant à tort comme une protection contre le VIH, a tenté d’en faire autant avec l’excision (*) et a tenté de faire passer la circoncision pour une forme de protection contre plusieurs cancers : Aux Etats‑Unis, tout est bon pour justifier la circoncision (rue89.nouvelobs.com), Août 2012.

(*) En application du même principe faisant que la circoncision protège du VIH marginalement et à court terme, c’est à dire en donnant quelque porte d’entrée en moins au virus mais sans l’empêcher d’entrer. Les cellules du prépuce chez les hommes, sont des cellules cibles pour le VIH (mais pas les seules !), tout comme le sont les cellules des grandes et petites lèvres chez les femmes. La fronde contre la suggestion d’utiliser une excision légère comme protection illusoire contre le VIH a été immédiate, mais hypocrisie féministe oblige, il n’y a pas une telle fronde de leur part contre le même argument utilisé pour « justifier » la circoncision. Sur la protection illusoire que représente la circoncision contre le VIH, voir le prochain message.


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Sam 20 Aoû 2016 00:33
Message Re: Circoncision religieuse : opposition, méfaits et origines
Les explications de l’astérisque du précédent message, sont tirées de l’article « Circoncision et SIDA : l’ablation du prépuce ne protège pas du VIH (droitaucorps.com) », Septembre 2013.

Pour résumer, la circoncision ne réduit pas de 60% le nombre de personnes infectées par le VIH, elle réduit de 60% la probabilité de transmission sur deux ans. Le temps et la multiplication des relations avec une personne ou plusieurs, fait toujours tendre la probabilité transmission vers 100%. L’article compare cette prétendu protection aux pistolet d’une roulette Russe, dont on aurait augmenté le nombre de logement pour les balles. À mesure que l’on fait des tours, la probabilité que la balle sorte reste toujours de plus en plus grande. Une réelle protection, c’est de ne plus jouer à la roulette, pas d’y jouer plus longtemps jusqu’à l’issue fatale.


« La perversion de la cité commence par la fraude des mots » [Platon]
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Mar 30 Aoû 2016 12:41
Message Re: Circoncision religieuse : opposition, méfaits et origines
Je traduirai plus tard.

sou-sai.tumblr.com post 149672369626, Août 2016.

Le billet a écrit : 
1. Frenar Band, or Ridged Band
The frenar band is a group of soft ridges near the junction of the inner and outer foreskin. This region is the primary erogenous zone of the intact male body. Loss of this delicate belt of densely innervated, sexually responsive tissue reduces the fullness and intensity of sexual response. [Source: Taylor, J. R. et al., “The Prepuce: Specialized Mucosa of the Penis and Its Loss to Circumcision,” British Journal of Urology 77 (1996): 291-295.]

2. Mechanical Gliding Action
The foreskin’s gliding action is a hallmark feature of the normal, natural, intact penis. This non-abrasive gliding of the penis in and out of its own shaft skin facilitates smooth, comfortable, pleasurable intercourse for both partners. Without this gliding action, the corona of the circumcised penis can function as a one-way valve, making artificial lubricants necessary for comfortable intercourse. [Source: P. M. Fleiss, MD, MPH, “The Case Against Circumcision,” Mothering: The Magazine of Natural Family Living (Winter 1997): 36-45.]

3. Meissner’s Corpuscles
Circumcision removes the most important sensory component of the foreskin - thousands of coiled fine-touch receptors called Meissner’s corpuscles. Also lost are branches of the dorsal nerve, and between 10,000 and 20,000 specialized erotogenic nerve endings of several types. Together these detect subtle changes in motion and temperature, as well as fine gradations in texture. [Sources: 1. R. K. Winkelmann, “The Erogenous Zones: Their Nerve Supply and Its Significance,” Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic 34 (1959): 39-47. 2. R. K. Winkelmann, “The Cutaneous Innervation of Human Newborn Prepuce,” Journal of Investigative Dermatology 26 (1956): 53-67.]

4. Frenulum
The frenulum is a highly erogenous V-shaped structure on the underside of the glans that tethers the foreskin. During circumcision it is frequently either amputated with the foreskin or severed, which destroys or diminishes its sexual and physiological functions. [Sources: 1. Cold, C, Taylor, J, “The Prepuce,” BJU International 83, Suppl. 1, (1999): 34-44. 2. Kaplan, G.W., “Complications of Circumcision,” Urologic Clinics of North America 10, 1983.]

5. Dartos Fascia
Circumcision removes approximately half of this temperature-sensitive smooth muscle sheath which lies between the outer layer of skin and the corpus cavernosa. [Source: Netter, F.H., “Atlas of Human Anatomy,” Second Edition (Novartis, 1997): Plates 234, 329, 338, 354, 355.]

6. Immunological System
The soft mucosa (inner foreskin) contains its own immunological defense system which produces plasma cells. These cells secrete immunoglobulin antibodies as well as antibacterial and antiviral proteins, including the pathogen killing enzyme lysozyme. [Sources: 1. A. Ahmed and A. W. Jones, “Apocrine Cystadenoma: A Report of Two Cases Occurring on the Prepuce,” British Journal of Dermatology 81 (1969): 899-901. 2. P. J. Flower et al., “An Immunopathologic Study of the Bovine Prepuce,” Veterinary Pathology 20 (1983):189-202.]

7. Lymphatic Vessels
The loss of these vessels due to circumcision reduces the lymph flow within that part of the body’s immune system. [Source: Netter, F.H., “Atlas of Human Anatomy,” Second Edition (Novartis, 1997): plate 379.]

8. Estrogen Receptors
The presence of estrogen receptors within the foreskin has only recently been discovered. Their purpose is not yet understood and needs further study. [Source: R. Hausmann et al., “The Forensic Value of the Immunohistochemical Detection of Oestrogen Receptors in Vaginal Epithelium,” International Journal of Legal Medicine 109 (1996): 10-30.]

9. Apocrine Glands
These glands of the inner foreskin produce pheromones - nature’s powerful, silent, invisible behavioral signals to potential sexual partners. The effect of their absence on human sexuality has never been studied. [Source: A. Ahmed and A. W. Jones, “Apocrine Cystadenoma: A Report of Two Cases Occurring on the Prepuce,” British Journal of Dermatology 81 (1969): 899-901.]

10. Sebaceous Glands
The sebaceous glands may lubricate and moisturize the foreskin and glans, which is normally a protected internal organ. Not all men have sebaceous glands on their inner foreskin. [Source: A. B. Hyman and M. H. Brownstein, “Tyson’s Glands: Ectopic Sebaceous Glands and Papillomatosis Penis,” Archives of Dermatology 99 (1969): 31-37.]

11. Langerhans Cells
These specialized epithelial cells are a component of the immune system in the penis. [Source: G. N. Weiss et al., “The Distribution and Density of Langerhans Cells in the Human Prepuce: Site of a Diminished Immune Response?” Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 29 (1993): 42-43.]

12. Natural Glans Coloration
The natural coloration of the glans and inner foreskin (usually hidden and only visible to others when sexually aroused) is considerably more intense than the permanently exposed and keratinized coloration of a circumcised penis. The socio-biological function of this visual stimulus has never been studied.

The glans ranges from pink to red to dark purple among intact men of Northern European ancestry, and from pinkish to mahagony to dark brown among intact men of Color. If circumcision is performed on an infant or young boy, the connective tissue which protectively fuses the foreskin and glans together is ripped apart. This leaves the glans raw and subject to infection, scarring, pitting, shrinkage, and eventual discoloration. Over a period of years the glans becomes keratinized, adding additional layers of tissue in order to adequately protect itself, which further contributes to discoloration. Many restoring men report dramatic changes in glans color and appearance, and that these changes closely mirror the natural coloration and smooth, glossy appearance of the glans seen in intact men.
[Source: P. M. Fleiss, MD, MPH, “The Case Against Circumcision,” Mothering: The Magazine of Natural Family Living (Winter 1997): 36-45.]

13. Length and Circumference
Circumcision removes some of the length and girth of the penis - its double-layered wrapping of loose and usually overhanging foreskin is removed. A circumcised penis is truncated and thinner than it would have been if left intact. [Source: R. D. Talarico and J. E. Jasaitis, “Concealed Penis: A Complication of Neonatal Circumcision,” Journal of Urology 110 (1973): 732-733.]

14. Blood Vessels
Several feet of blood vessels, including the frenular artery and branches of the dorsal artery, are removed in circumcision. The loss of this rich vascularization interrupts normal blood flow to the shaft and glans of the penis, damaging the natural function of the penis and altering its development. [Sources: 1. H. C. Bazett et al., “Depth, Distribution and Probable Identification in the Prepuce of Sensory End-Organs Concerned in Sensations of Temperature and Touch; Thermometric Conductivity,” Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 27 (1932): 489-517. 2. Netter, F.H., “Atlas of Human Anatomy,” Second Edition (Novartis, 1997): plates 238, 239.]

15. Dorsal Nerves
The terminal branch of the pudendal nerve connects to the skin of the penis, the prepuce, the corpora cavernosa, and the glans. Destruction of these nerves is a rare but devastating complication of circumcision. If cut during circumcision, the top two-thirds of the penis will be almost completely without sensation. [Sources: 1. Agur, A.M.R. ed., “Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy,” Ninth Edition (Williams and Wilkins, 1991): 188-190. 2. Netter, F.H., “Atlas of Human Anatomy,” Second Edition (Novartis, 1997): plate 380, 387.]

16+ Other Losses
- Circumcision performed during infancy disrupts the bonding process between child and mother. There are indications that the innate sense of trust in intimate human contact is inhibited or lost. It can also have significant adverse effects on neurological development.
-Additionally, an infant’s self-confidence and hardiness is diminished by forcing the newborn victim into a defensive psychological state of “learned helplessness” or “acquired passivity” to cope with the excruciating pain which he can neither fight nor flee.
- The trauma of this early pain lowers a circumcised boy’s pain threshold below that of intact boys and girls. This has been proven in a study during vaccination time. [Sources: 1. R. Goldman, Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma (Boston: Vanguard Publications, 1997), 139-175. 2. A. Taddio et al., “Effect of Neonatal Circumcision on Pain Responses during Vaccination in Boys,” Lancet 345 (1995): 291-292.]
- Every year some boys lose their entire penises from circumcision accidents and infections. They are then “sexually reassigned” by castration and transgender surgery, and are expected to live their lives as females. [Sources: 1. J. P. Gearhart and J. A. Rock, “Total Ablation of the Penis after Circumcision with Electrocautery: A Method of Management and Long-Term Followup,” Journal of Urology 142 (1989):799-801. 2. M. Diamond and H. K. Sigmundson, “Sex Reassignment at Birth: Long-Term Review and Clinical Implications,” Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 151 (1997): 298-304.]
-Every year many boys in the United States and elsewhere lose their lives as a result of circumcision - a fact that is routinely ignored or obscured.
[Sources: 1. G. W. Kaplan, “Complications of Circumcision,” Urologic Clinics of North America 10 (1983): 543-549. 2. R. S. Thompson, “Routine Circumcision in the Newborn: An Opposing View,” Journal of Family Practice 31 (1990): 189-196.

Le billet a écrit : 
-Approximately 117 babies die a year in the United States alone from circumcision-related complications,
-Babies are getting herpes from circumcision practices,
-The procedure is done without anesthetic and causes a great deal of pain for the baby,
-Many negative long-term side effects, including depression and behavioral problems, have been linked to infant circumcision,
-You are violating a child’s bodily autonomy for an entirely cosmetic procedure with almost zero proven health benefits


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Dim 2 Avr 2017 18:25
Message Re: Circoncision religieuse : opposition, méfaits et origines
Un article contre la circoncision, d’une militante égalitarienne anti‑féministe : Why is cutting your baby legal? (womenagainstfeminism.com), Mars 2017.
Rose-Marie Paradis a écrit : 
If I told you that I want to cut my baby girl’s clitoris, you would definitely and rightfully be against it. It’s obvious in developed countries that we don’t cut baby girls. If I would tell you I’m going to tattoo my baby, give them face piercing, you would also be rightfully against it. So why is it still legal to circumcise baby boys?

Traduction a écrit : 
Si je vous disais que je veux faire couper le clitoris de ma petite fille, vous seriez radicalement et immédiatement opposés à cette idée. C’est une évidence dans les pays développés, qu’on ne mutile pas une petite fille. Si je vous disais que je vais faire tatouer mon bébé, lui faire des piercing sur le visage, vous y seriez aussi radicalement opposé. Alors pourquoi est‑il toujours légal de faire circoncire un petit garçon ?

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Sam 6 Mai 2017 12:30
Message Re: Circoncision religieuse : opposition, méfaits et origines
Ali Imran (la famille d’Imran) verset 67 (quran.com)
Coran 3:67 a écrit : 
Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to Allah ]. And he was not of the polytheists.

Traduction a écrit : 
Abraham n’était ni Juif ni Chrétien, mais il était une personne tournée vers la véritié, un Musulman [se soumettant à Dieu ]. Et il ne comptait pas parmi les polythéistes.

Si être Musulman n’est ni être Juif ni être Chrétien, il n’y a pas d’obligation pour l’Islam à faire continuer une tradition Juive.


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Dim 29 Avr 2018 12:54
Message Re: Circoncision religieuse : opposition, méfaits et origines
Un documentaire sur le mouvement d’opposition à la circoncision sans consentement (*), aux États‑Unis.

(*) Pas de consentement éclairé possible chez un enfant.

États‑Unis : touchez pas aux kikis — Canal + — 2018


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Ven 27 Sep 2019 15:44
Message Re: Circoncision religieuse : opposition, méfaits et origines
En Suisse, une « mère » s’est vu retiré temporairement la garde de son fils de dix ans, à qui elle voulait imposer la circoncision malgré sa terreur de tout ce qui tourne autour du médical. Elle a prétexté vouloir le faire pour éviter les moqueries. Elle a tenté de faire réviser ce jugement en prétendant que sa liberté religieuse n’était pas respectée, mais le tribunal a jugé que non, personne n’a manqué de respect à sa liberté, que c’est seulement le bien être de l’enfant qui avait été pris en compte.

Plus de détails : La justice interdit la circoncision d'un enfant (24heures.ch), Septembre 2019.


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